
American Bridge welcomes new Chief Operating Officer
American Bridge welcomes new Chief Operating Officer 150 150 Southland Holdings

Pittsburgh, PA (October 21, 2013) – On October 14, 2013 American Bridge Company President and CEO Michael D. Flowers announced that Terry Poole was joining the Company in the capacity of COO (Chief Operating Officer). “A constructor at heart, Terry will bring a wealth of experience and support to the AB team”, said Flowers. Poole has extensive experience with Design-Build projects, Public Private Partnerships and Joint Ventures. He has over 26 years experience in heavy civil…

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AB Connections Fall 2013

In this edition of Connections:

  • AMERICAN BRIDGE MANUFACTURING - Shut down does not affect the successful, ongoing efforts of American Bridge Company
  • SAN FRANCISCO/OAKLAND BAY BRIDGE - New signature span opens after six years of construction
  • LAS VEGAS HIGH ROLLER - This monumental project is nearing completion with cabin erection beginning before the end of November
  • CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER - Terry Poole's background and career highlights prior to AB
  • EMPLOYEE PROFILE - Questions for an expert in the erection and design of complex bridge structures
  • FLASHBACKS - AB built lift bridge still a main NJ artery after more than 70 years
  • WELLNESS PROGRAM/HUMAN RESOURCES - Updates and information for your health care, retirement plan and wellbeing
  • HURRICANE DECK BRIDGE - AB's delivery of this project enables a before-schedule opening
AB Connections Fall 2013 791 1024 Southland Holdings
Official San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Construction Time-lapse
Official San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Construction Time-lapse 150 150 Southland Holdings

AB Connections Summer 2013

In this edition of Connections:

  • VIRGINIA DISTRICT PROJECTS - Updates on three unique projects of the AB Virginia District
  • U.S. MISSISSIPPI RIVER BRIDGE - AB innovations to rehabilitate structurally deficient bridge
  • HUMAN RESOURCES - Topics for discussion - healthcare reform
  • SAFETY - New program focuses on one safety topic that is relevant to operations
  • EMPLOYEE PROFILES - Advice to those seeking employment at American Bridge
  • WELLNESS PROGRAM - Sign up for past programs at any time during the year
  • RETIREMENTS 2013 - AB thanks these long-term employees for their many years of service
  • AB PUBLISHED - Years of violence and bloodshed until AB's involvement with the Ironworkers
  • FLASHBACKS - AB built lift bridge still a main NJ artery after more than 70 years
  • BEAVERS AWARD - AB CEO recognized for his exceptional leadership on SAS
AB Connections Summer 2013 791 1024 Southland Holdings

AB Connections Spring 2013

In this edition of Connections:

  • ANNOUNCEMENT - AB's involvement in the new Tappan Zee Bridge construction
  • HURRICANE DECK BRIDGE - AB fights the weather and high-pressure gas main bored to keep this ATC project on schedule
  • TAMPA PROJECTS - Updates on five current and unique projects of the AB Tampa District
  • COLUMBUS ROAD LIFT - AB innovations to rehabilitate structurally deficient bridge
  • LVHR - Installation of bearings and erection of hub and spindle - critical part of project
  • EMPLOYEE PROFILES - Advice to those seeking employment at American Bridge
  • ABM SAFETY - Top safety records in hazardous working environment
  • WELLNESS PROGRAM - Receive incentives for minding your health
  • AB PUBLISHED - AB's major role in the U.S. space program since its inception in the early 1950s
  • HUMAN RESOURCES - Necessary versus preventative medical care
  • FLASHBACKS - Three of four railroad tracks still in use after nearly 100 years
  • FRC MAIN CABLE - Walk the cable was this contest's winning prize
AB Connections Spring 2013 792 1024 Southland Holdings

AB Connections Winter 2012

In this edition of Connections:

  • NEW HIRES - AB is hiring despite the economy
  • DICK FOSTER - Retires after 44 years at AB
  • CURRENT CONTRACTS - KS City District's first contract
  • HIGHLIGHT - Walt Whitman Bridge Rehabilitation
  • HUMAN RESOURCES/WELLNESS - Grand prize raffle winner
  • INTERVIEW WITH CEO - After Mike Flowers' first year
  • FLASHBACKS - 1913 lift bridge still in use today
  • AB PUBLISHED - SAS in the past and present
  • SAFETY COMMITTEE - Updates for the new year
AB Connections Winter 2012 781 1024 Southland Holdings
Huey P. Long Bridge Recognized as a Historic Civil Engineering Landmark
Huey P. Long Bridge Recognized as a Historic Civil Engineering Landmark 150 150 Southland Holdings

When American Bridge completed the Huey P. Long Bridge in 1935, it was the first New-Orleans-area Mississippi River crossing to accommodate both railroad cars and automobiles. In September of 2012, the ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) held a ceremony, recognizing the bridge in its Historic Civil Engineering Landmark Program. In just ten months, American Bridge fabricated and erected a 1,850’ cantilevered truss over the Mississippi River under AB Order No. G-4751. The three-span cantilever…

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AB Connections Fall 2012

In this edition of Connections:

  • SAN FRANCISCO/OAKLAND BAY BRIDGE SELF-ANCHORED SUSPENSION SPAN - Six years into the project, the self-anchored suspension span of the new San Francisco/Oakland Bay Bridge is being put to the test
  • AB EQUIPMENT - AB innovations and "in it for the long run" investments
  • ANNUAL MEETING - The 2012 annual meeting welcomed new board members and congratulated an AB employee for her 25 years of service
  • HR/WELLNESS - Wellness program updates for the coming months and information on your open enrollment
  • FLASHBACKS - The completion of an AB-built bridge prompts the retirement of a 220-year-old historic ferry
  • AB PUBLISHED - AB's role on the iconic Golden Gate Bridge
  • PROJECT CEREMONY - FL governor boasts AB's Berth 12 project is expected to create over 775 jobs
AB Connections Fall 2012 791 1024 Southland Holdings
Bay Bridge crews embark on herculean feat
Bay Bridge crews embark on herculean feat 150 150 Southland Holdings

The American Bridge/Fluor Joint Venture, led by AB, is prime superstructure subcontractor for the Bay Bridge, a 2,051’ single-tower, self-anchored suspension bridge. An article updating readers about the stage that the Bay Bridge is currently upon was featured on Friday, August 17, 2012. The author wrote about the upcoming, monumental and strenuous process of removing the suspension span’s steel decks off of the temporary platforms, officially making the span a self-supporting bridge. As the world’s…

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AB Connections Summer 2012

In this edition of Connections:

  • CURRENT CONTRACTS - Comments from the CEO on performance thus far in 2012
  • HR/WELLNESS - Take advantage of health care provider changes and plan for healthy improvements with upcoming wellness activities
  • PROJECT UPDATE - Kansas City District Vice President explains how this project was won through AB innovation
  • AB PUBLISHED - The author describes AB's construction on the original Verrazano-Narrows to be the most complex, dangerous and romantic
  • FLASHBACKS - Pittsburgher's bid farewell to their Civic Arena; the first and largest structure with a retractable roof in the world when completed
  • SAFETY - With high employee participation and management support AB is even closer to the zero incident workplace goal
AB Connections Summer 2012 791 1024 Southland Holdings
EHW Constructors Joint Venture awarded a $331,372,767 contract
EHW Constructors Joint Venture awarded a $331,372,767 contract 150 150 Southland Holdings

Virginia Beach, Virginia – On May 9, 2012 the EHW (Explosives Handling Wharf) Constructors Joint Venture (consists of 45 percent Skanska, 35 percent American Bridge and 20 percent NOVA) was awarded a $331,372,767 firm-fixed-price construction contract for construction of an explosives handling Wharf No. 2, including option item 0001 for the construction of two new traveling overhead crane systems at Naval Base Kitsap – Bangor. The work to be performed provides a reinforced concrete working…

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American Bridge Tampa District Wins Multiple Contracts Early in 2012
American Bridge Tampa District Wins Multiple Contracts Early in 2012 150 150 Southland Holdings

Pittsburgh, PA –With four contracts awarded in March and April, the American Bridge Tampa District has already exceeded its 2012 targets. The Florida projects include the Courtney Campbell Trail Design/Build State Route 60 in Tampa, Tom’s Harbour Channel Bridge Replacement in Duck Key, Golden Beach Bridge Replacements in the town of Golden Beach and the Port Manatee Berth 12 Wharf Extension and Container Terminal in Palmetto. Mark Bell is Vice President of the district; he…

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AB Connections Spring 2012

In this edition of Connections:

  • AWARDS AND CURRENT CONTRACTS - Chincoteague Bridge Grand Award for Engineering Excellence
  • SAS - The main cable on this signature project has many firsts
  • HUMAN RESOURCES/WELLNESS - What to expect in coming months
  • TAMPA DISTRICT - 2012 targets already exceeded
  • PIER 31 RIBBON CUTTING - U.S. Navy pier opens
  • BULKHEAD AT NOAA MARINE OPERATIONS CENTER - $6.3M design/build marine project completes
  • KENTUCKY LAKES BRIDGES - Seven-year roadway and rail bridge project completes
  • SUNSHINE SKYWAY - AB's sixth anniversary stamp
  • TRAINING - Field engineer graduates/supervisor training
  • AB PUBLISHED - Commemoration of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, 1964
  • FLASHBACKS - Historic bridges built by AB in Washington and Oregon
  • FORTH REPLACEMENT CROSSING - Update on the new £790M ($1.3B) cable stay bridge, Scotland
  • LVHR UPDATE - World's largest observation wheel
AB Connections Spring 2012 786 1024 Southland Holdings

AB Connections Winter 2011

In this edition of Connections:

  • HIGHLIGHT - Arawak Cay Port Development
AB Connections Winter 2011 791 1024 Southland Holdings
FCBC Donates £2,000 for Bluebell Preservation
FCBC Donates £2,000 for Bluebell Preservation 150 150 Southland Holdings

“Bluebells on the Move” A Fife-based environmental and conservation charity is helping to preserve 70,000 bluebell bulbs during preparatory works on Scotland’s largest infrastructure project. Fife Coast & Countryside Trust has received a donation of £2,000 from Forth Crossing Bridge Constructors (FCBC), the contractors appointed by Transport Scotland to deliver the new bridge and connecting roads elements of the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC), for help in the relocation of the bluebells from the grounds of…

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