SELA Urban Flood Control Project, Widening of Florida Avenue Canal, Phase IV

Southland Holdings has successfully contracted with the USACE since the 1960’s. This project requires that part of the existing canal be removed and replaced with a reinforced concrete flume canal. It also requires drainage improvements and removal, relocation and replacement of railroad tracks.

This project consists of construction of reinforced concrete flume and 5,024 LF box culverts, 9,700 LF of 54” water main; including 40,000 VF of timber, 55,000 CY of concrete, 310,000 VF of H-pile installation; 18,000 CY of foundation jet grouting, 680,000 SF of sheet pile installation, clearing and grubbing, excavation and backfill, construction dewatering and unwatering; 16,057 LF of distribution utility relocations, railroad replacement and railroad ballast stone placement, erosion control, maintenance and diversion of storm water; reinforced concrete placement; construction and installation of drainage lines and structures, sewer lines, water lines and structures; electrical feeders, roadway restoration, sidewalks, driveways, curbs and gutters, fertilizing, seeding and mulching; traffic signal system, street lighting and other incidental work. This work is being performed in an existing canal.


  • Owner: US Army Corps of Engineers, City of New Orleans
  • SOUTHLAND HOLDINGS TEAM: Oscar Renda Contracting / Johnson Bros Corporation Joint Venture